Executive-Action Response Solutions For Executives External Data Multiple sources and formats create data silos. Internal Data No single source of truth. Key Challenges Facing Institutions Today some managers are unaware of the data's existence Inconsistent Dashboards Ad-hoc Reports Manually produce dashboards, reports, and presentations. Key Challenges Facing Institutions Today Requires Significant Human Resources Executives spend excessive time in data exchange meetings to understand current situations. Essex enables executives to manage the business in real time, listen to data, eliminate surprises, and react fast. Locate Clean Validate Analyze Integrate
Single Source
of Truth
Data Intelligence Guidance at the Core Single Source
of Truth
We apply advanced deep learning, artificial intelligence and machine learning to better understand the data. Single Source
of Truth
Complex Problem Solving Single Source
of Truth
Internal Data External Data
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We start with the data foundation and progress to sustainable Economic Value Creation ($), KPI governance, and regulatory oversight. Data-Driven Value
Creation Approach
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We locate, validate, clean, and integrate 100s of relevant internal and external, structured & unstructured data sources. Dynamic Multi-Sourced Data Integration [scroll down] We apply advanced deep learning, artificial intelligence and machine learning to better understand the data. Data Intelligence Guidance at the Core (DIG@C™) [scroll down] Enabled through both app and web, dedicated support and faster turnaround, ongoing, and incremental upgrades. 24*7*365 Automation of Manual Tasks and Remediation [scroll down]

Executives have instant, unfiltered access to selected KPI data and insights enabling rapid response and continuous governance We custom-tailor each solution system to meet specific client UI/UX and data requirements. [scroll down]

Value Creation Modules Modules are continuously upgraded as new data sources and analytical techniques become available. Expense Reduction Contact Us EyeGuide™ deep data-driven analysis of every investment-related expenditure in the Major US Bank 28% savings across multiple IT categories for UK-based Global Brokerage and Financial Services EyeGuide™ delivered $ 100MM + in spend reduction across categories for Top 3 Canadian Bank Wealth… Expense Reduction Expense Reduction Expense Reduction Selected Cases Modules are continuously upgraded as new data sources and analytical techniques become available. Productivity Improvement Contact Us EyeGuide™ reduced claims leakage and compensation losses by more than $50MM+ EyeGuide™ Created the capability to measure branch service levels, activity study to record & ... Deployment of Auto Dealer EyeGuide™ for UK based Global Brokerage and Financial Services Productivity Improvement Productivity Improvement Productivity Improvement Value Creation Modules Modules are continuously upgraded as new data sources and analytical techniques become available. Revenue Growth Contact Us To capture and analyze dealer activity driving auto sales and financing Improve sales growth and address impediments to sales growth, Identified areas of low performance EyeGuide™ WAF360 provides ongoing opportunity identification and customer analytics Revenue Growth Revenue Growth Revenue Growth Value Creation Modules Modules are continuously upgraded as new data sources and analytical techniques become available. Operational Risk Assurance Contact Us Mapped claims process to identify gaps Defined & established KPls to be monitored Established Data governance framework and tools to ensure right decision making Used machine learning algorithms to identify and predict member hospitalization risk. Operational Risk Assurance Operational Risk Assurance Operational Risk Assurance We continue to develop and test new Value Creation Modules. More Value Creation Modules Contact Us Control Risk EyeGuide™ builds a controls monitoring platform for ongoing monitoring of regulatory Established a continuous feedback loop for the Retail Bank to optimize work efforts and improve margins Credit Cards EyeGuide™ provides end-to-end operational visibility, delivering a complete financial … Credit Cards Credit Cards Retail Bank [scroll down] {{current_slide_index}} / {{total_slide_count}}

How can we help you? Careers at Essex ESSEX can help you realize your ambitions by offering a radically different approach to connecting strategy, Over 10 years of extensive research on data-driven intelligence techniques. Looking for a fulfilling career that will help you achieve your professional goals? Join us at Essex and let's make it happen! Apply Now Let's Get Started