About Essex Get in touch with us! Get in touch with us—your gateway to personalized support and expert solutions. [scroll down] With our expertise in expert guidance and tailored solutions, Essex specializes in building and operationalizing data-driven strategies for sustainable revenue growth, enterprise productivity, regulatory compliance, and accountability oversight. Single Global Office We operate as a Single Global Resource Pool with a scalable 24x7 delivery model to ensure optimal agile execution. Executive Team Our executive team—leading with vision and driving our mission forward. Our Skills Solution development and implementation teams are staffed with very diverse skills.

[scroll down] We provide experts with deep subject matter and operationalization expertise. Deep Subject Matter Expertise
  • Structured and unstructured data integration
  • Prescriptive, descriptive, and predictive analytics
  • Extensive domain knowledge
  • Deep experience in the customization of proven value creation software

[scroll down] Essex's solution systems
adhere to the strictest
security standards.
Essex Information Security Management System (Isms) Practices
  • Verified holistic and layered security controls built in applications and systems.
  • Centralized monitoring and alerting system ensure comprehensive protection 24*7*365
  • Adopt advanced and up-to-date technologies to protect Essex and its clients

Executive Team

Paulamee Choudhury

Senior Vice President

Gustavo Menéndez-Bernales

Senior Vice-President Business Development and Strategic Partnerships

Rohit Gupta

Managing Director

Robert Holland, Jr.

Senior Managing Director & Chief Mentor

Gaurav Bansal

Managing Director

Clinton J. Ritchie

Senior Managing Director

Tom Cash

Chairman & Co-founder

Peter A. Cummings

CEO & Co-founder

About Essex Get in touch with us! Get in touch with us—your gateway to personalized support and expert solutions. [scroll down] With our expertise in expert guidance and tailored solutions, Essex specializes in building and operationalizing data-driven strategies for sustainable revenue growth, enterprise productivity, regulatory compliance, and accountability oversight. Single Global Office We operate as a Single Global Resource Pool with a scalable 24x7 delivery model to ensure optimal agile execution. Executive Team Our executive team—leading with vision and driving our mission forward. Our Skills Solution development and implementation teams are staffed with very diverse skills.

Single Global Office Essex operates as a Single Global Resource Pool with a scalable 24x7 delivery model to ensure optimal agile execution.

How can we help you?