Privacy Policy

1. Your Privacy Rights

Your (“You” or “Your”) privacy concerns are important to Essex Lake Group, LLC (“Us”, “We” or “Our”), and protecting Your privacy and safeguarding your Personal Information is one of Our highest goals. You need to know what Personal Information is being collected about You through Our website (“Site”) and how Your Personal Information may be used. To that end, this Privacy Statement explains your privacy rights regarding our collection, use, storage, sharing, and protection of your Personal Information. It applies to the website and all related websites, applications, services, and solutions, regardless of how you access or use them (collectively, the “Site”). 

2. Collection of Information

It is important for You to understand that Our Site is hosted in the United States, and that any information You provide or that We collect about You will be stored in the United States. In connection with Your use of the Site, You will provide the majority of the information We collect about You. For example, You may be asked to provide certain information, including, but not limited to, Your name, mailing address, e-mail addresses, telephone number, language preference, and other personally identifiable information. Other information collected by Us may be provided automatically when You access the Site, such as observing Your use of the Site, through the use of cookies (described below), and may be obtained from other sources such as Our business partners. We do not require you provide personal information to visit our Web site; however, You may choose to provide Us with personal information in order to access certain portions of the Site and/or use the services provided therein. This information is used to fulfill the stated purpose of Your communication, enable your participation or interaction with the Site, or use certain aspects, features, or services provided through the Site.

3. Use of Information

We automatically collect and store information about Your visit. The information We collect enables Us to refine and offer better services and information to You, Our business partners, and Our other customers. You understand and agree that We may share the information We collect about You with Our business partners. However, we will only share your Personal Information to accomplish the purposes for which we collected the Personal Information. These third parties are contractually required to maintain the confidentiality of your Personal Information and are contractually prohibited from using that information for any other purpose. The types of information We collect about You include, but are not limited to:
– the date and time of Your visit;
– Your IP addresses;
– Your browser type, operating system, and language;
– the pages You visited;
– the address of the Web site from which You came.

We may also share your information as follows:
– with your consent;
– when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect your rights or property;
– to protect your safety or the safety of others;
– to investigate fraud or respond to a government, judicial or other legal request;
– to comply with the law; and
– in connection with a corporate change, such as an acquisition or merger.

4. Cookies

When You visit the Site, We may place a file called a “cookie” on Your computer’s hard drive. A cookie is a small piece of information that a website can store on Your web browser, computer, or device and later retrieve. A cookie enables the Site to recognize You as a prior user, provides the Site with information regarding Your current and prior use, and assists Us in determining what portions of the Site are most appropriate for You. Your Web browser may provide You with the ability to not accept cookies. However, in order to take full advantage of the Site, We recommend that You accept cookies from the Site.
Do-Not-Track (DNT) is an optional browser setting that allows you to express your preferences regarding tracking by advertisers and other third-parties. We do not currently respond to DNT signals. Therefore, please be advised that third party web analytics companies may collect information about your online activities over time and across our website and other online properties.

5. Disclosure

We will make every effort to discontinue the use of Your information as soon as practicable if requested in writing by You. We may need to retain information in Our archives and records to comply with law, resolve disputes, analyze problems, assist with any investigations, enforce Our policies, and take other actions otherwise permitted or required by law.

If You use the Site outside of the United States or are a citizen or resident of a country other than the United States that has laws and policies governing the disclosure and management of Your personal information, You understand and agree that the information You exchange with the Site may be maintained indefinitely on systems located within the United States. By accessing and using the Site, You consent to the transfer and processing of Your information and personal data.

6. Privacy Preferences

You may contact us at any time to inquire about the Personal Information we collect about you. Depending on the Site you use, you may access, correct, or request deletion of your Personal Information by logging into your account or you may contact us at [email protected]. We will respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe.

In the event we process information about you on behalf of one of our customers, please direct your privacy inquiries and requests for access, correction, or deletion of Personal Information to the customer. If a customer requests that we remove the information, we will respond within a reasonable timeframe.

We may need to retain your information for a period of time in order to continue providing a service to you, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigations, prevent fraud, enforce our customer or user agreement, or take other actions as required or permitted by law.

7. Opt-Out of Marketing Communications

We may contact you to alert you of upcoming events, white papers and promotional campaigns relating to our services and products. If we determine that your explicit consent is needed to send marketing communications, we will obtain that consent before or at the time of Personal Information collection.

We honor your choices. You can choose whether you wish to receive Email or phone call from us by using the opt-out methods described in the communication. For example, if you wish to stop receiving email marketing communication from us, you may click the “unsubscribe” or “opt out” link at the bottom of the relevant email marketing communication or by following the instructions detailed in the communication. 

8. No Liability

We have made significant investments in protecting and safeguarding Your information. We continuously upgrade and enhance Our security measures as new tools, techniques, and technology become available. However, We do not guaranty that any such information will not be misused or disclosed to third parties. We will not have any liability to You for any such misuse or disclosure. If You share information with third parties via the Site, any information You share with that third party will not be controlled by this Privacy Statement, You do so at Your own risk, and We have no liability to You.

You understand that electronic communications may be accessed by unauthorized parties when communicated across the Internet, network communications facilities, or other electronic means. You understand and agree that We are not responsible for any electronic communication and/or any of your data which may be lost, altered, intercepted or stored without authorization during the transmission of any data whatsoever across networks not owned and/or operated by Us. 

9. Consent

By using the Site, You consent to the collection and use of Your information as set forth in this Privacy Statement. We have the right to amend this Privacy Statement at any time. We will provide notice on our Site that this Privacy Statement has been amended and when such amendments will take effect. You acknowledge and agree that this shall constitute reasonable and appropriate notice to You. You acknowledge and agree that if You use the Site following such an amendment, You will automatically be bound by all of the terms in the amended Privacy Policy as if those terms were in the original Privacy Policy accepted by You.

10. Additional Information

We welcome Your questions, comments and requests for additional information regarding privacy of the Site. You accept and agree to be bound this Privacy Statement and the Website Terms of Use .